The Department of Neurosurgery at Apple Saraswati is setup un line with the core principle of APPLE “Best of technology supported with best of the Expertise“
The Technology
Department consists of a dedicated Hi-Tech Operation Theatre equipped with latest and the most advanced operating microscope DPMI VARIO 700, Carl Zeiss, Germany.

The Expertise
The department is headed by highly skilled and a fulltime Neurosurgeon Dr. Uday S. Ghate MS,MCh(Neurosurgery), ATLS (The Royal College of Surgeons of England). Dr. Uday Ghate has a rich experience of a decade & half in performing Neurotrauma, Neuro-Oncology, Vascular Neurosurgery, Micro-Neurosurgery, Complex & Minimally Invasive(Endoscopic) Spine Surgery. During his 15 years experience he has worked in P.D.Hinduja Hospital,Mumbai & since year 2000 he has worked in many prestigious hospitals in United Kingdom(UK) which includes Newcastle Hospital, Kings College Hospital, Royal Preston Hospital, Morriston Hospital & St. Georges Hospital-London. The staff consists of highly trained Nurses & Paramedical staff along with team of Medical Officers trained in Neuro ICU.
Treatments Available
The department deals with the treatment of various Neuro-spinal disorders. The Neurosurgeries available at our certre broadly consists of surgeries for Neurotrauma, Neuro-Oncology,Vascular Neurosurgeries(Aneurysm surgery, AV Malformation & Congential Vascular Anomalies),Trans-Nasal Surgery for Pitutary tumours,Micro-Neurosurgery (Microvascular Decompression (MVDs) for Trigeminal Neuralgia), Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery & Conventional Spinal Surgeries.

Paediatric Neurosurgery
Various Paidiatric Neurosurgeries are also been performed at Apple. Dr. Naresh Biyani MS,DNB(Surg),MCh(Neurosurgery),DNB an eminent & highly skilled Paediatric Neurosurgeon from Mumbai is available at Apple on visiting basis for elective paediatric Neuro-Spinal Surgeries. Dr. Biyani is extensively trained and experienced in Paediatric Neurosurgeries and is attached to various Corporate Hospitals in Mumbai for paediatric neurosurgeries. He is exclusively working in Paidiatric Neurosurgery field and does variety of complex Paediatric Neuro-Spinal Surgeries with great success rate.
The elective Paediatric Neuro-Spinal Surgeries available at Apple Saraswati are V.P.Shunting,Surgeries for congential Brain disorders(Neoplasms,Vascular Malformations etc), Spine surgeries for congenital malformations like Meningomyelocele, Tethered core syndrome.